AngularJS Codeigniter REST CRUD Example

In this Codeigniter AngularJS CRUD example, we will see the integration of AngularJS with Codeigniter REST. We are going to create CRUD application using Codeigniter …

Crafting Modern Web Apps: A Deep Dive into CodeIgniter …

1. Why CodeIgniter and AngularJS? 2. Setting up CodeIgniter and AngularJS CodeIgniter: AngularJS: 3. Developing a Simple CRUD App Backend with …

Илүүдэл чиглүүлэгч гэж юу вэ? ️ Трик номын сан ️

Динамик чиглүүлэлтийн протоколын нийтлэг жишээ бол OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) юм. Илүүдэл бүхий чиглүүлэгчийг тохируулахын тулд эхлээд зөв чиглүүлэлтийн протоколуудыг бий болгох шаардлагатай.

AngularJS vs CodeIgniter | What are the differences?

AngularJS can be classified as a tool in the "Javascript MVC Frameworks" category, while CodeIgniter is grouped under "Frameworks (Full Stack)". "Quick to develop", "Great …

15 оны заах 2023 шинэлэг арга (гарын авлага + жишээ).

Эдгээр 15 шинэлэг заах арга таны хичээлийг илүү тааламжтай, хүн бүрт сонирхолтой болгоно. Тэдгээрийг шалгаад ангийнхаа гүйцэтгэлийг сайжруулахын тулд тэдгээрт тулгуурлан интерактив слайд ...

Welcome to CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter 3 is the legacy version of the framework, intended for use with PHP 5.6+. This version is in maintenance, receiving mostly just security updates, and the current version is 3.1.13. Download Sources Translations User Guide. …

Шийдвэрлэсэн: React Router

React Router Dom нь таны вэб програмууд дээр динамик чиглүүлэгчийг хялбархан үүсгэхэд тусалдаг React бүрэлдэхүүн хэсэг юм. React Router Dom-ийн тусламжтайгаар та чиглүүлэлтийн нарийн төвөгтэй байдлын талаар санаа зовохгүйгээр ...

(PDF) ТӨРИЙН ОНОЛ Гарын авлага | Ganerdene …

The 689 species (22.03%) are distributed only in one and 14 species (0.44%) spreaded in all phytogeographical regions to the vascular flora of Mongolia. The highest richness local species with Mongolian Altai (214 …

Angular tutorial with CodeIgniter RESTful API

CodeIgniter 4 provides migrations like other PHP MVC frameworks. Create Classes table migration. To create a class table migration, execute the command below. php spark migrate:create …

Build Single Page Application Using AngularJS (Tutorial …

AngularJS supports two-way data binding, i.e., whenever the model is updated, the view also gets updated as AngularJS follows MVC architecture. Hence, the data can be viewed by the user, based on his preferences. #5) Support for the Browser. AngularJS is supported in most of the browsers including IE version 9 and above.

Codeigniter 3 and AngularJS CRUD with Search …

I added few step to create create, edit, delete, lists, search and pagination application in your Codeigniter framework. In this …


This repository implements "sb-admin-angular" angularjs admin theme with codeigniter. Just clone the repo and start developing Admin app with CI and Angular. There are many …

CodeIgniter 4 REST API, MySQL and Angular 10 CRUD Example

Angular 10, CodeIgniter 4, npm 6.14.6, node v12.18.3, MySQL 8.0.17, CodeIgniter 4 REST API, MySQL CRUD Example. Project Setup. Create a new project in Angular …

Сүлжээ | Чиглүүлэлт | Хүснэгт | Тохируулах | ZEVENET

Чиглүүлэлтийн хүснэгтээс гадна энэ харагдац нь хоёр бүлэгт нэрлэгдсэн интерфэйсийг харуулдаг "Удирддаг интерфэйсүүд" болон "Удирдлагагүй интерфэйсүүд", энэ сонголтыг хийснээр хэрэглэгч ...


This project is going to help you to combine angularjs and codeigniter framework with the help of a RESTFul Service. I came from angular 4X but in a project they said that I must …

What Is AngularJS?

AngularJS simplifies application development by presenting a higher level of abstraction to the developer. Like any abstraction, it comes at a cost of flexibility. In other words, not every app is a good fit for AngularJS. AngularJS was built with the CRUD application in mind. Luckily CRUD applications represent the majority of web applications.

AngularJS чиглүүлэлтийн жишээ

Бид чиглүүлэлтийн функцийг ашиглахын тулд AngularJS албан ёсны вэбсайтаас ngRoute модулийг агуулсан angular-route.js скриптийг татаж авах шаардлагатай. Та мөн энэ файлыг оруулахын тулд програмдаа CDN ...

savanihd/Codeigniter-and-AngularJS-CRUD-with …

8 Best IDE For Codeigniter Development to Consider in 2023 …

CodeLobster. Codelobster is an IDE chiefly for all PHP frameworks but also supports HTML JavaScript and CSS. The plug-in is accessible for Codeigniter, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Smarty, CakePHP, Yii, and JQuery. It is capable of streamlining as well as simplifying the complete development course.

CodeIgniter and Angularjs project (Example)

CodeIgniter and Angularjs project. #php. #codeigniter. #angularjs. This is a simple project build with CodeIgniter and Angularjs frameworks. …